By Greg Ball, President of Ball Media Innovations
It wasn’t that many years ago that when you wanted a potential new client or customer to see your business, you invited them over. You’d have them meet with your key personnel, tour your plant or store location and see your operation in action. That’s how business was done. Of course, things have changed; today, prospective clients have their own schedules to keep and are faced with time constraints.
Consider that travel is time-consuming even if it’s local. And if you’re company or practice is not nearby, it can be expensive. It’s becoming increasingly harder to visit and assess multiple potential vendors. Additionally, during covid it can be considered risky to travel.
That’s where great video comes into play. Instead of physically traveling to visit your business location, potential clients can now simply vlog on to your website. There they can view a video that showcases you, your team, your location, and your operation. Best of all, they can do this all from the comfort and convenience of their home or office. They can do this just about anywhere there’s a device and an internet connection.
The good news is that those potential clients and customers are used to using videos to assess businesses they might want to work with. And today, 92% of marketers are using video as part of their overall marketing strategy. So, it’s a win-win for everyone involved.
You Give Viewers A Better Website Experience With Video
Here’s something to think about: According to some studies, you have only 10 seconds to capture a visitor’s attention before you lose them. Just 10 seconds to grab their interest. And the statistics are even more alarming the longer the video runs. If viewers aren’t fully engaged by 30 seconds, you’ll lose 33% of your audience. After 1 minute, you’ll lose 45% of your audience, and by 60 seconds 60% of them will be history.
That’s where video comes in to help. Video is a storytelling experience that lets you not only showcase your operation but also your brand. Every company has a personality and a mission. While you can write about your company’s personality in a very eloquent way, it loses something in translation. With video, there’s no question what your brand personality is about. It’s delivered in a clear, concise manner and is easily grasped by visitors to your website.
One other benefit of an introductory video is that Google search results will give priority to websites that have an embedded YouTube video. Having that video can boost your Google rankings. One study showed that a website is 53 times more likely to show up on the first page of Google’s search results if it has an embedded video! (We see the difference even with our Miami video production services website).
Who Delivers the Message in Your Business Intro Video?
For privately owned companies, the owner of the company is sometimes the spokesperson on the intro video. After all, it’s his or her company, and sometimes nobody can describe it better. Unless there’s an underlying reason to have someone else be the spokesperson, you might want to consider having the owner on camera.
Another reason to have the owner do the intro video is because you may want the video to convey the excitement the owner feels. It can also reflect the owner’s personality. Plus, there’s something to be said about providing personal details about the business. For example, how it got started, your background in the industry and why you ventured out on your own. If it’s real and you want share, you can make it an emotional story. That’s something that a paid spokesperson can’t do.
The most important thing to remember is that you don’t’ want to wing it when producing an introductory video. You might be a great extemporaneous speaker but having a script to work from will keep your video on target time-wise and appear more professional. It will help you to strategize in advance and to get everything you need into the script.
How Long Should My Business Intro Video Be? Keep it Moving!
The best thing an intro video can do is demonstrate what your business does or what it offers people. Showing how your product or your services works is a way to deliver your message without boring your viewer. Just remember that video is a visual medium, so keep the pace up and the visuals moving so your viewer doesn’t lose interest.
Here’s something else to remember: the viewer wants to know what you can do for them. You’ll want to show that you can solve a problem they have. Or you can show them they have a problem to begin with, and that you can solve it. It’s effective when you can show them a solution for a problem they didn’t even realize that they had. Many businesses hear common questions about their product or service, so you might want to address some of the top ones in your intro video. In addition, you can always provide answers to additional questions in future videos, so there’s always something fresh to view on your website.
Don’t Forget Your Call To Action
A call-to-action is perhaps the most important part of your introductory video. Without one there’s no reason to produce the video. Many business owners make the mistake of having a generic call-to-action instead of a more direct one. So, don’t end with “call us.” Instead, offer something of value, like a downloadable article or eBook. Or you can direct the viewer to a landing page that has the offer on it.
Your goal is to capture the viewer’s contact information such as an email address. This is so you can follow up with them after the video is viewed. That’s why a landing page is key. You can fashion it so that in order to take advantage of your offer they must enter their email address.
Finally, be creative! Intro videos that are humorous or emotional often have higher engagement rates. Also, remember there’s no “formula” or template for an intro video. However you should always have:
- An introduction (short!)
- Your main message about your business
- Some supporting details
- Your call-to-action
At Ball Media, we’ve produced numerous effective introductory videos for a variety of clients in many different categories. If you’d like to discuss how a video can help your company, or discuss costs, I’d be happy to talk with you as well as share some of our success stories. There’s no obligation, so please give us a call right now!
Do you need a video produced? We can help!
If you’d like to learn more about we can help you use storytelling to make your corporate videos more impactful, give us a call. We’re happy to provide you with a cost estimate. There’s no obligation, of course!
Contact us to get started.
(954) 432-1274 (Miami - Fort Lauderdale)
(407) 205-0423 (Orlando)
(866) 570-8612 (Toll-Free)
About the Author & His Company: Greg Ball, is President of Ball Media Innovations, Inc. Prior to starting the company, he ran the Burger King World Headquarters video operation. Greg founded Ball Media as a Miami video production company in 2002. He eventually expanded services to also become an Orlando video production company. Greg directs shows in both locations, as well as nationally, with crews throughout the country.
Ball Media Innovations specializes in producing videos for businesses as well as the medical community. This includes web videos, marketing and training videos, social media videos, convention, conference, and trade show videos.
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